Use this winter’s experience to assess your landscape for year-round sustainability. What plants die, what plants survive each season? Check out your neighbors’ landscapes to see what lives, what looks good. I pay attention, talk, and write about gardening every day out of the year so I am aware of temperatures and the weather and don’t keep a journal per se, but if you are new transplant to Florida or you moved to a different location in Florida, you may not know what to expect. It’s a good idea to keep a journal or just a notepad, calendar to jot down, if it rained, the temperatures. Note the different areas in your yard that you didn’t get freeze-damage. Pay attention to areas that seem to puddle more or dry out quicker that other parts of your yard. Sunlight is one of the most important aspects of assessing your landscape. In the winter, where is the sun, what parts of your yard are shaded? This information will make designing your landscape and selecting new plants for your garden more successful.