Costa Farms

Plants with Great Texture

a.      Fatsia Japonica ‘Spider’s Web’

b.      Arizona Cypress, Cupressus arizonica var. ‘Blue Ice’

c.      Alocasia amazonica ‘Polly’

d.      Round-leaf Calathea, Calathea orbifolia

e.      Colocasia esculenta ‘Pharoah’s mask’

Find the plants at your local box store or independent garden center or below:

Fatsia japonica at Southern Living Plant Collection.

Alocasia amazonica ‘Polly at Costa Farms.

Calathea orbifolia at Costa Farms

Teresa's Plant of the Month for September

I first laid eyes on the new Sun Parasol® Original XP Bluephoria™ Mandevilla at the Tropical Plant Industy Expo last January. It took my breath away. The colors of the bluish=purple flowering vine in the pot were striking. Recently, I received a Bluephoria from Costa Farms to trial. It’s loving the rain and blooming nicely. I immediately began to think of all the ways I could use this fabulous blue flower in my landscape designs: as the filler and spiller in containers, as a hanging basket, or as a trellised vine. It is not considered winter-hardy in Zones 8 and 9. But the color? This one deserves a blue ribbon!

Photo credit: Sun Parasol.